Payment webhook specifications

Payment notifications sent to your webhook URI registered in the console, when a payment succeeds, fails, or settles.



This webhook is optional, and is disabled by default. It is particularly useful in geographies where banks can take a long time to notify that payments have been executed. Contact us if you would like this webhook to be enabled.

The following table includes the fields that appear in the payment_authorized notification:

typestringNoType of the event ("payment_authorized")
event_idstringNoA UUID for the event
event_versionstringNoThe version of the event schema
payment_idstringNoThe unique ID for the payment
metadataobjectYesA set of key-value pairs of custom data that was provided when the payment was created
authorized_atdatetimeNoAn RFC-3339 timestamp of when the payment was authorized
payment_sourceobjectYesInformation about the source account of the payment, if available from the remitter's bank. The account identifiers available will be those provided by the bank.
  "type": "payment_authorized",
  "event_version": 1,
  "event_id": "c1e475a8-f838-4a35-95df-51465d66a61d",
  "payment_id": "ecad2b93-efe9-4f25-b82d-920248a9c1ad",
  "payment_method": {
    "type": "bank_transfer",
    "provider_id": "mock-payments-gb-redirect",
    "scheme_id": "faster_payments_service"
  "payment_source": {
    "account_identifiers": [
        "type": "sort_code_account_number",
        "sort_code": "040668",
        "account_number": "00000871"
    "account_holder_name": "JOHN SANDBRIDGE"
  "authorized_at": "2023-06-27T09:54:55.777Z"


The following table includes the fields that appear in the payment_executed notification:

typestringNoType of the event ("payment_executed")
event_idstringNoA UUID for the event
event_versionstringNoThe version of the event schema
payment_idstringNoThe unique ID for the payment
metadataobjectYesA set of key-value pairs of custom data that was provided when the payment was created
payment_methodobjectNoMethod of the payment. type can be "mandate" or "bank_transfer".Mandates contain mandate_id and bank transfers contain provider_id and scheme_id, if available.
executed_atdatetimeNoAn RFC-3339 timestamp of when the payment was executed
payment_sourceobjectYesInformation about the source account of the payment, if available from the remitter's bank. The account identifiers available will be those provided by the bank. Note that the account_holder_name can differ from the one returned in the payment_settled webhook.
  "type": "payment_executed",
  "event_version": 1,
  "event_id": "b8d4dda0-ff2c-4d77-a6da-4615e4bad941",
  "payment_id": "60c0a60ed8d7-4e5b-ac79-401b1d8a8633",
  "executed_at": "2021-12-25T15:00:00.000Z",
  "payment_method": {
    "type": "bank_transfer",
    "provider_id": "mock-payments-de-redirect",
    "scheme_id": "sepa_credit_transfer"

Example 2: GB

  "type": "payment_executed",
  "event_version": 1,
  "event_id": "b8d4dda0-ff2c-4d77-a6da-4615e4bad941",
  "payment_id": "60c0a60ed8d7-4e5b-ac79-401b1d8a8633",
  "executed_at": "2021-12-25T15:00:00.000Z",
  "payment_method": {
    "type": "bank_transfer",
    "provider_id": "mock-payments-gb-redirect",
    "scheme_id": "faster_payments_service"
  "payment_source": {
    "account_identifiers": [
        "type": "sort_code_account_number",
        "sort_code": "040668",
        "account_number": "00000871"
    "account_holder_name": "JOHN SANDBRIDGE"


payment_source information

Payments in the authorized, executed, and failed states, including payments not made into a TrueLayer merchant account, from CMA9 banks except ob-boi include a payment_source object. This object includes the name of the account holder and any account identifiers provided by the bank. Note that the payment_source object does not include the id field, which refers specifically to a user who pays into a merchant account).


The following table includes the fields that appear in the payment_failed notification:

typestringNoType of the event ("payment_failed")
event_idstringNoA UUID for the event
event_versionstringNoThe version of the event schema
payment_idstringNoThe unique ID for the payment
metadataobjectYesA set of key-value pairs of custom data that was provided when the payment was created
payment_methodobjectNoMethod of the payment. type can be "mandate" or "bank_transfer".Mandates contain mandate_id and bank transfers contain provider_id and scheme_id, if available.
failed_atdatetimeNoAn RFC-3339 timestamp of when the payment failed
failure_stagestringNoAn enum identifying where the payment failed in its lifecycle. Can be one of "authorization_required", "authorizing", "authorized"
failure_reasonstringNoThe reason the payment failed. Read more about failure reasons.
payment_sourceobjectYesInformation about the source account of the payment, if available from the remitter's bank. The account identifiers available will be those provided by the bank. This field is optional.
  "type": "payment_failed",
  "event_version": 1,
  "event_id": "b8d4dda0-ff2c-4d77-a6da-4615e4bad941",
  "payment_id": "60c0a60ed8d7-4e5b-ac79-401b1d8a8633",
  "failed_at": "2021-12-25T15:00:00.000Z",
  "failure_stage": "authorizing",
  "failure_reason": "provider_rejected",
  "payment_method": {
    "type": "mandate",
    "mandate_id": "d65f3521-fa55-44fc-9a75-ba43456de7f2",
  "payment_source": {
    "account_holder_name": "HOLDER NAME",
    "account_identifiers": [
        "type": "sort_code_account_number",
        "sort_code": "111111",
        "account_number": "00000111"


The following table includes the fields that appear in the payment_settled notification. Note that this webhook is only available when using closed-loop payments.

typestringNoType of the event ("payment_settled")
event_idstringNoA UUID for the event
event_versionstringNoThe version of the event schema
payment_idstringNoThe unique ID for the payment
metadataobjectYesA set of key-value pairs of custom data that was provided when the payment was created
payment_methodobjectNoMethod of the payment. type can be "mandate" or "bank_transfer". Mandates contain mandate_id and bank transfers contain provider_id and scheme_id, if available.
settled_atdatetimeNoAn RFC-3339 timestamp of when the payment was settled
payment_sourceobjectNoSource of the payment for which the event is being sent. This object contains a id for the settled payment's source, which can be used in closed-loop payouts. Read more about payment sources. Note that the account_holder_name can differ from the one returned in the payment_executed webhook.
user_idstringNoThe user id for this payment, which can be used in closed-loop payouts. This is the same value received in the create payment response.
  "type": "payment_settled",
  "event_version": 1,
  "event_id": "b8d4dda0-ff2c-4d77-a6da-4615e4bad941",
  "payment_id": "60c0a60ed8d7-4e5b-ac79-401b1d8a8633",
  "payment_method": {
    "type": "bank_transfer",
    "provider_id": "mock-payments-de-redirect",
    "scheme_id": "sepa_credit_transfer"
  "settled_at": "2021-12-25T15:00:00.000Z",
  "payment_source": {
    "account_identifiers": [
        "type": "iban",
        "iban": "DE79370400440532013000"
    "id": "1f111d3c-9427-43be-1111-1111219d111c",
    "account_holder_name": "HOLDER NAME"
  "user_id": "ec01ece1-1dbe-48f1-82b2-bce8cfa44d08"


Sent when the payment is ready to be credited to the user, and the services the user has paid for be granted. Either the payment has settled, or any settlement risk has been accepted.


This webhook is optional, and is disabled by default. It is configurable, the different behaviours can be seen in the payment risk and credit notifications section.

Contact us if you would like this webhook to be enabled.

The following table includes the fields that appear in the payment_creditable notification.

typestringNoType of the event ("payment_creditable")
event_idstringNoA UUID for the event
event_versionstringNoThe version of the event schema
payment_idstringNoThe unique ID for the payment
metadataobjectYesA set of key-value pairs of custom data that was provided when the payment was created
creditable_atdatetimeNoAn RFC-3339 timestamp of when TrueLayer determined that the payment was ready to be credited
  "type": "payment_creditable",
  "event_version": 1,
  "event_id": "b8d4dda0-ff2c-4d77-a6da-4615e4bad941",
  "payment_id": "60c0a60ed8d7-4e5b-ac79-401b1d8a8633",
  "creditable_at": "2023-06-13T15:00:00.000Z"


Sent when the payment doesn't reach settled status after a specific amount of time has passed since the payment reached executed status. You specify the amount of time when you contact us to enable this webhook.


This webhook is optional, and is disabled by default. Contact us if you would like this webhook to be enabled.

The following table includes the fields that appear in the payment_settlement_stalled notification.

typestringNoType of the event ("payment_settlement_stalled")
event_idstringNoA UUID for the event
event_versionstringNoThe version of the event schema
payment_idstringNoThe unique ID for the payment
metadataobjectYesA set of key-value pairs of custom data that was provided when the payment was created
settlement_stalled_atdatetimeNoAn RFC-3339 timestamp of when TrueLayer determined that the payment's settlement was stalled based on the client's chosen delay or the default one
  "type": "payment_settlement_stalled",
  "event_id": "b8d4dda0-ff2c-4d77-a6da-4615e4bad941",
  "event_version": 1,
  "payment_id": "60c0a60ed8d7-4e5b-ac79-401b1d8a8633",
  "settlement_stalled_at": "2023-06-13T15:00:00.000Z"


You'll get the external_payment_received notification when a payment, made using a payment method not offered by TrueLayer, to a merchant account has settled in that merchant account. The following table includes the fields that appear in the notification body:

typestringNoType of the event ("external_payment_received")
event_idstringNoA UUID for the event
event_versionstringNoThe version of the event schema
transaction_idstringNoThe unique ID for the transaction
currencystringNoThe currency of the payment
amount_in_minorstringNoThe amount of the payment
settled_atdatetimeNoAn RFC-3339 timestamp of when the payment was settled
merchant_account_idstringNoThe unique ID for the Merchant Account
remitter.account_holder_namestringNoThe remitter information of the payment
remitter.account_identifiersarrayNoThe remitter account identifiers of the payment. We support the following identifiers: sort_code_account_number, iban, bban, nrb
remitter.referencestringNoThe reference for the payment you received from an external source.
  "type": "external_payment_received",
  "event_version": 1,
  "event_id": "b8d4dda0-ff2c-4d77-a6da-4615e4bad941",
  "transaction_id": "7806739d-1944-44d9-a1b8-5d2cd079676b",
  "currency": "GBP",
  "amount_in_minor": 1,
  "settled_at": "2021-12-25T15:00:00.000Z",
  "merchant_account_id": "200552da-13da-43c5-a9ba-04ee1502ac57",
  "remitter": {
    "account_holder_name": "Example remitter name",
    "account_identifiers": [{
      "type": "sort_code_account_number",
      "sort_code": "12-34-56",
      "account_number": "12345678"
      "type": "iban",
      "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819"
    "reference":"Example payment reference"

external_payment_received webhook behaviour

There are two different behaviours for the external_payment_received webhook. The behaviour depends on whether you have enabled automatic refunds for payments from external sources or not.

A external payment in the context of this webhook usally refers to the following three scenarios:

  • When an existing user pays into your merchant account again using saved SCAN/IBAN details.
    For example, through a Send again button in their banking app.
  • When you fund your merchant account from a corporate bank account through your SCAN/IBAN details.
  • When a new and unknown user pays into your account using your merchant account's SCAN/IBAN details.

Out of the above scenarios, you likely only want to keep funds from an existing user or your corporate bank account, not an unknown user. Automatic refunds solve this problem, but you can also implement various measures to mitigate the risk of payments from external sources.


Note that any payments that return the external_payment_received webhook have a Type of External Deposit in the Console payments view.

Behaviour with automatic refunds enabled

If automatic refunds are enabled, you usually receive no external_payment_received webhook when you receive an external payment. The reason for this is that the payment is automatically received and then refunded, so the webhook isn't surfaced.

You do however see two payments in the Console payments view:

  • An External Deposit.
  • An Open-Loop Payout, which is sent 1 hour after the initial External Deposit.

However, in some cases, the payout to refund a payment is blocked or rejected by the remitter bank (for example, if the account was closed). In this case you receive the external_payment_received webhook, and another External Deposit displays in Console.

Default behaviour without automatic refunds enabled

By default, without automatic refunds enabled, you receive the external_payment_received webhook for each payment from an external source. Each of these payments have a Type of External Deposit in the Console payments view.

If you're receiving external_payment_received payments, there are a number of approaches you can take to handle these:

  • Enable automatic refunds for your integration.
  • Create an allow list of bank details you want to accept payments from.
  • Flag them for manual review.
  • Develop your own logic to automatically return external payments as a payout, by either using the information in the external_payment_received webhook, or from the /transactions endpoint.